Tuesday, June 19, 2012

We all know that the corrections system can be an extremely dangerous place to be and there are many measures taken to ensure that everyone is kept safe (for the most part) and we can all agree that the guards that run these prisons are all equipped to the teeth, but is it necessary? We have seen the videos where alternate forms of weapons are used to incapacitate suspects and criminals such as the rubber grenade, bean bag round, and the taser. The videos are all over the internet of the college student that screamed “Don’t tase me bro!!!! Most of the instances that are sensationalized are in the public domain. Most people agree that tasers can be dangerous. There have been a small number of reports of taser related deaths and the question that remains is, should tasers be used in prison?

            The taser is a small hand held weapon that can send almost 50, 000 volts of electricity through the body and incapacitate a normal person almost instantly. There are two types of tasers that are hand held. There are the pronged dart tasers, which are shot and pierce  skin and there is a taser that is used as a stun gun that does not pierce skin and makes contact on the surface of skin. Tasers have become one of two things: a joke like in the hangover or a serious weapon that people do not enjoy. “There have been 14 taser related deaths” says Erin Hicks in his article titled TASERs in prison: A good idea? There are obviously problems with the taser and not everyone takes to the taser. I understand that people have died but most people do not take to bullets very well either. The Taser is designed to incapacitate those who are violent and resistant to arrest, and in prison this would not be a problem. For the most part prison is for violent offenders.

            There is a positive side and a negative side  to using tasers in prisons. Don Bjoring, a retired police officer in Orange County California argued on the behalf of using tasers in prison facilities. Most police officers will agree that there is no such thing as excessive force with a taser. One shot gives officers or guards the ability to cuff and control whoever they need to control. “Granted you abuse it and shoot it 11 times, and then it is excessive force.” (Hicks) Another reason why tasers could be used in prisons is the fact that they are not meant to be lethal and a large majority of the time they are not. They are taught to be a weapon that has a result of order and cooperation through short term pain. Cons of using tasers in prisons are pretty cut and dry. Tasers have been known to break down skin tissue which can lead to heart problems. Tasers have been lethal in the past which paints a very negative picture for the general publ

   I can say from indirect experience that tasers would probably be a good idea to use in prisons because my father is in law enforcement and their taser policy is extremely strict. They are not allowed to carry tasers unless they have been trained with that weapon and if they have been shot by it.


What do you think? Is prison an appropriate place for the use of tasers?

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