On May 26th, 2012 31-year-old Rudy Eugene was gunned down in Miami aftering eating more than half of another mans face. People ask if he was just violent and insane or if he was sick of under some sort of a voodoo spell. The horrific act went on for about 20 minutes or so after he was asked to stop. He growled at the police while still eating the flesh off of the other man's skin as the police had to shoot him down to stop. People are also calling Eugene the "Miami Zombie" Who could ever want to to this to a poor innocent homeless man.
The man that was attacked was 65-year-old Ronald Poppo who was reported to be homeless. Reports at first thought that Rudy Eugene was also homeless but after doing more background on him to get to the bottom of this bizarre act, they came to find that he actually did have a home and also a woman that is said to be his girlfriend that lives with him in his home.
Local people said that Eugene was a relgious man and had his life together. He had friends and family and even a girlfriend. His girlfriend commented to news and police that if someone was in trouble or needed to find God again, that Eugene helped that person do so. She could not believe that her boyfriend could do something so terrible because she referred to him as sweet and well-mannered. Rudy's girlfriend's theory about what happened that day was not what most people thought would be. She believed that to allow him to strip down his clothes and attack Poppo, he had to have been under the influence of a new synthetic drug called "bath salts". This drug can cause violent acts and psychosis. His girlfriend believed that someone slipped him the drug somehow. Eugune is from he country of Haiti where people practice voodoo. His girlfriend thought that could have been another thing that was happening on that day, she never believed in voodoo until now.
This inncodent has made global news and allow people to wonder how could this of happened or was Eugene in a right state of mind when this happened? What will the court system do about something to bizarre and terrible? As I am, i'm sure most people are completely in shock about this story and disgusted, but hearing other people's opinions on whether its possible it was voodoo or a drug could allow someone to do this to another innocent human being will be interesting to hear from others.
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