Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pelican Bay's SHU

Pelican Bay’s SHU prison cells are cement with no windows, with a small holes in the door for a window to see in the hallway. Prisoners in Pelican Bay’s SHU know all too well the words solitary confinement.  With being locked down for 22 and ½ hours and let out for an hour and a half to just walk around the cement recreation area “yard” is ridiculous. Prisoners are not allowed to have balls, weights, basically anything to occupy their time. Most spend their “yard” time doing pushups or walking the area. The most contact that an inmate has is a “pinky shake”, no outside visits, no phone calls, no life, just time to think. To make matters worse inmate only gets food twice a day. I understand that these are the worse of the worse criminals, or gang members, but do we lose the humane values because of this? Most prisoners here stay here for 6-20+ years. Conditions like this will make people crazy in just a mere 2 days. "A place like this is designed to drive you crazy," "It's not just designed to isolate you from the general population. It's designed to break you. It sucks. It's hard. It's made me different. It's made me spiteful."- Jim

Breaking them is exactly what is has done. With over a hundred in the mental ward of the SHU, there’s a wait list that’s double the times to get in there. You have grown men spread feces over them, the walls, throwing urine at guards, going completely insane. Is this the punishment we were looking for? It has been proven time and time again that most people in prison have some type of mental disability; do you think it’s ok to push them over the edge? The state of California should be appalled at the behavior they have conducted to “gain control over prison gangs.”  Granted officials made excuses as to how you cannot be sentenced to this just, but merely, sent here after bad behavior in the general population, but does bad behavior in jail give them the right to strip them of their humane rights? These men do not even get to see the light of day. The only window is on the “yard”, but on a gloomy or dark night, they can’t even see that. How do you think you would act if you couldn’t see the light of day, the moon, or the stars?

Because of the behavior of the guards, officials, and wardens at Pelican Bay, the prisoners there and throughout California took a food strike. They demanded that there be better conditions in SHU here is the list of demands they have established: 1) Eliminate group punishments; 2) Abolish the debriefing policy and modify active/inactive gang status criteria; 3) Comply with the recommendations of the US Commission on Safety and Abuse in Prisons (2006) regarding an end to long term solitary confinement; 4) Provide adequate and nutritious food; 5) Expand and provide constructive programs and privileges for indefinite SHU inmates. There is also a petition that went out on, to help bring awareness to the issue. 11.6 thousand people signed it. I guess this proved to the state of California, although people want criminals off the street, they do not feel they should have their basic rights taken from them. What it says to me is, the prisoners know they did wrong to get there, but they want RESPECT while their there

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